Thursday, 1 March 2012


 Question 1
Iwhat ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?



Music Video
In order to answer this question for my A2 music video, I have created a three minute video comparing it to real music videos which I researched and how theories of Goodwin have been applied. 

Question 2
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Question 3
What have you learned from audience feedback?

In order to get generalised feedback, I used the social networking site 'facebook' to broadcast my A2 music video, to get a feel for its popularity and whether there were any major issues.
The screenshot above of my facebook post shows that it was received fairly well.

In order to gain feedback for my ancillary we tasks, after everyone in the class had finished, we had a class feedback session. During this session we looked at everyones Posters and Digi-paks and uploaded 'constructive criticism' to the A2 wiki that had been created especially for this role. This wiki allowed us to see what feedback our projects received which we could then use to better our first draft ancillary tasks. The feedback for my poster was very positive, however there were a few disputes about whether it should have been in colour or B&W. 

As for my Digi-pak first draft, the feedback was not as popular than that of my poster as it was not realistic for an album of the acoustic/indie genre. 

First Attempt

I therefore changed details within my product to make it more popular. As you can see I have changed not necessarily the images but their arrangement. I recreated my front cover to make it more conventional. I was heavily influenced by famous album covers such as John Butler Trio's 'Sunrise Over Sea' below.

I also felt the need, because of my feedback to change my disc as a lot of the feedback confirmed that the original appearance was lacking and fairly dull. This was the reason why I changed the image but I reused the photo that was originally the front cover as I liked it and felt that it fitted well as a disc as the dark areas of the image created strong contrast for the font that I used making the name of the album stand out.

 Final Digi-Pak
The feedback for my second Digi-Pak was a lot more positive as the disc was more interesting to look at, the front cover was more conventional and the back cover was more effective in the sense of contrast in colours of fonts and background. 
Audience feedback was therefore extremely helpful in the construction of my Digi-Pak because it has definitely improved on its outcome giving the product a more themed style which works well with my poster and my music video.

Question 4
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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